Updated on June 16th, 2021
To have our first sail of the year before May 15th is an anomaly. In northern New England, it is not uncommon to have winter stretch into the depths of May. I have seen snow on Memorial Day twice. As I write this it is May 12th, and it is still only 48 degrees outside. We have only seen two days without rain in the last three weeks. Has this stopped us from getting out on the boat? Absolutely not!
I was nervous for our first sail this year. There seemed like a lot of pressure after going to a sailing school in April. I was worried I would have forgotten everything! Maybe I imagined how much more confident I had felt. What if I hadn’t improved as much as I thought I had? What if Andy wasn’t impressed by my new skills?

As usual, I was worrying for no reason! I took the plunge and took the helm for the first sail of the season and it went perfectly! I knew things! There was no panicking or screaming or throwing the tiller at Andy. I felt like a real sailor, not this imposter that I have been playing for years.

And the very best part was after taking back the helm from Andy and retrimming the sails, I even managed to get the boat to go faster than he did! I cannot express how grateful I am to everyone at Annapolis Sailing School for helping me enjoy our boat even more. If you need convincing to consider taking a sailing class, check out our Five Reasons to Take an ASA Sailing Course post.
Check out our First Sail of 2019 video!

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